Electronic interconnections restrict the operating speed of microelectronic chips as semiconductor devices shrink. As surface-plasmon-polariton (SPP) waves are localized, signal delay and crosstalk may be reduced by the use of optical interconnections based on SPP waves. With this motivation, time-domain Maxwell equations were numerically solved to investigate the transport of information by an amplitude-modulated carrier SPP wave guided by a planar silicon/silver interface in the near-infrared spectral regime. The critical-point model was used for the permittivity of silicon and the Drude model for that of silver. The signal can travel long distances without significant loss of fidelity, as quantified by the Pearson and concordance correlation coefficients. The signal is partially reflected and partially transmitted without significant loss of fidelity, when silicon is terminated by air; however, no transmission occurs when silicon is terminated by silver. The fidelity of the transmitted signal in the forward direction rises when both silicon and silver are terminated by air. Thus, signals can possibly be transferred by SPP waves over several tens of micrometers in microelectronic chips. © 2019, The Author(s).